
We will here describe the inheritance hierarchy for generating solvers, in order to use and extend it properly. The runtime creation of solver objects relies on the Factory Method pattern [GHJV94][Ale01], implemented through the generic Factory class.



class pcm::ISolver

Abstract Base Class for solvers inheritance hierarchy.

We use the Non-Virtual Interface idiom.

Luca Frediani, Roberto Di Remigio
2011, 2015, 2016

Subclassed by pcm::solver::CPCMSolver, pcm::solver::IEFSolver

Public Functions

void buildSystemMatrix(const ICavity &cavity, const IGreensFunction &gf_i, const IGreensFunction &gf_o, const IBoundaryIntegralOperator &op)

Calculation of the PCM matrix.

  • cavity: the cavity to be used
  • gf_i: Green’s function inside the cavity
  • gf_o: Green’s function outside the cavity
  • op: integrator strategy for the single and double layer operators

Eigen::VectorXd computeCharge(const Eigen::VectorXd &potential, int irrep = 0) const

Returns the ASC given the MEP and the desired irreducible representation.

  • potential: the vector containing the MEP at cavity points
  • irrep: the irreducible representation of the MEP and ASC

Protected Functions

virtual void buildSystemMatrix_impl(const ICavity &cavity, const IGreensFunction &gf_i, const IGreensFunction &gf_o, const IBoundaryIntegralOperator &op) = 0

Calculation of the PCM matrix.

  • cavity: the cavity to be used
  • gf_i: Green’s function inside the cavity
  • gf_o: Green’s function outside the cavity
  • op: integrator strategy for the single and double layer operators

virtual Eigen::VectorXd computeCharge_impl(const Eigen::VectorXd &potential, int irrep = 0) const = 0

Returns the ASC given the MEP and the desired irreducible representation.

  • potential: the vector containing the MEP at cavity points
  • irrep: the irreducible representation of the MEP and ASC

Protected Attributes

bool built_

Whether the system matrix has been built

bool isotropic_

Whether the solver is isotropic


class pcm::solver::IEFSolver

IEFPCM, collocation-based solver.

Luca Frediani, Roberto Di Remigio
2011, 2015, 2016
We store the non-Hermitian, symmetry-blocked T(epsilon) and Rinfinity matrices. The ASC is obtained by multiplying the MEP by Rinfinity and then using a partially pivoted LU decomposition of T(epsilon) on the resulting vector. In case the polarization weights are requested, we use the approach suggested in [2]. First, the adjoint problem is solved:
\[ \mathbf{T}_\varepsilon^\dagger \tilde{v} = v \]
Also in this case a partially pivoted LU decomposition is used. The “transposed” ASC is obtained by the matrix-vector multiplication:
\[ q^* = \mathbf{R}_\infty^\dagger \tilde{v} \]
Eventually, the two sets of charges are summed and divided by 2 This avoids computing and storing the inverse explicitly, at the expense of storing both T(epsilon) and Rinfinity.

Inherits from pcm::ISolver

Public Functions

IEFSolver(bool symm)

Construct solver.

  • symm: whether the system matrix has to be symmetrized

void buildAnisotropicMatrix(const ICavity &cavity, const IGreensFunction &gf_i, const IGreensFunction &gf_o, const IBoundaryIntegralOperator &op)

Builds PCM matrix for an anisotropic environment.

  • cavity: the cavity to be used.
  • gf_i: Green’s function inside the cavity
  • gf_o: Green’s function outside the cavity
  • op: integrator strategy for the single and double layer operators

void buildIsotropicMatrix(const ICavity &cavity, const IGreensFunction &gf_i, const IGreensFunction &gf_o, const IBoundaryIntegralOperator &op)

Builds PCM matrix for an isotropic environment.

  • cavity: the cavity to be used.
  • gf_i: Green’s function inside the cavity
  • gf_o: Green’s function outside the cavity
  • op: integrator strategy for the single and double layer operators

Private Functions

void buildSystemMatrix_impl(const ICavity &cavity, const IGreensFunction &gf_i, const IGreensFunction &gf_o, const IBoundaryIntegralOperator &op)

Calculation of the PCM matrix.

  • cavity: the cavity to be used
  • gf_i: Green’s function inside the cavity
  • gf_o: Green’s function outside the cavity
  • op: integrator strategy for the single and double layer operators

Eigen::VectorXd computeCharge_impl(const Eigen::VectorXd &potential, int irrep = 0) const

Returns the ASC given the MEP and the desired irreducible representation.

  • potential: the vector containing the MEP at cavity points
  • irrep: the irreducible representation of the MEP and ASC

Private Members

bool hermitivitize_

Whether the system matrix has to be symmetrized

Eigen::MatrixXd Tepsilon_

T(epsilon) matrix, not symmetry blocked

std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> blockTepsilon_

T(epsilon) matrix, symmetry blocked form

Eigen::MatrixXd Rinfinity_

R_infinity matrix, not symmetry blocked

std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> blockRinfinity_

R_infinity matrix, symmetry blocked form


class pcm::solver::CPCMSolver

Solver for conductor-like approximation: C-PCM (COSMO)

Roberto Di Remigio
2013, 2016
We store the scaled, Hermitian, symmetrized S matrix and use a robust Cholesky decomposition to solve for the ASC. This avoids computing and storing the inverse explicitly. The S matrix is already scaled by the dielectric factor entering the definition of the conductor model!

Inherits from pcm::ISolver

Public Functions

CPCMSolver(bool symm, double corr)

Construct solver.

  • symm: whether the system matrix has to be symmetrized
  • corr: factor to correct the conductor results

Private Functions

void buildSystemMatrix_impl(const ICavity &cavity, const IGreensFunction &gf_i, const IGreensFunction &gf_o, const IBoundaryIntegralOperator &op)

Calculation of the PCM matrix.

  • cavity: the cavity to be used
  • gf_i: Green’s function inside the cavity
  • gf_o: Green’s function outside the cavity
  • op: integrator strategy for the single layer operator

Eigen::VectorXd computeCharge_impl(const Eigen::VectorXd &potential, int irrep = 0) const

Returns the ASC given the MEP and the desired irreducible representation.

  • potential: the vector containing the MEP at cavity points
  • irrep: the irreducible representation of the MEP and ASC

Private Members

bool hermitivitize_

Whether the system matrix has to be symmetrized

double correction_

Correction for the conductor results

Eigen::MatrixXd S_

S matrix, not symmetry blocked

std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> blockS_

S matrix, symmetry blocked form