
You should obtain profiling information before attempting any optimization of the code. There are many ways of obtaining this information, but we have only experimented with the following:

  1. Using Linux perf and related tools.
  2. Using gperftools.
  3. Using Intel VTune.

Profiling should be done using the standalone executable run_pcm and any of the input files gathered under the tests/benchmark directory. These files are copied to the build directory. If you are lazy, you can run the profiling from the build directory:

>>> cd tests/benchmark

>>> env PYTHONPATH=<build_dir>/lib64/python:$PYTHONPATH
       python <build_dir>/bin/ --inp=standalone.pcm --exe=<build_dir>/bin

Using perf

perf is a tool available on Linux. Though part of the kernel tools, it is not usually preinstalled on most Linux distributions. For visualization purposes we also need additional tools, in particular the flame graph generation scripts Probably your distribution has them prepackaged already. perf will trace all CPU events on your system, hence you might need to fiddle with some kernel set up files to get permissions to trace events.


perf is NOT available on stallo. Even if it were, you would probably not have permissions to record kernel traces.

These are the instructions I used:

  1. Trace execution. This will save CPU stack traces to a file. Successive runs do not overwrite this file.

    >>> cd tests/benchmark
    >>> perf record -F 99 -g -- env PYTHONPATH=<build_dir>/lib64/python:$PYTHONPATH python
                  <build_dir>/bin/ --inp=standalone.pcm --exe=<build_dir>/bin
  2. Get reports. There are different ways of getting a report from the file. The following will generate a call tree.

    >>> perf report --stdio
  3. Generate an interactive flame graph.

    >>> perf script | > out.perf-folded
    >>> cat out.perf-folded | > perf-run_pcm.svg

Using gperftools

This set of tools was previously known as Google Performance Tools. The executable needs to be linked against the profiler, tcmalloc and unwind libraries. CMake will attempt to find them. If this fails, you will have to install them, you should either check if they are available for your distribution or compile from source. In principle, one could use the LD_PRELOAD mechanism to skip the ad hoc compilation of the executable.


gperftools is available on stallo, but it’s an ancient version.

  1. Configure the code with the --gperf option enabled. CPU and heap profiling, together with heap-checking will be available.

  2. CPU profiling can be done with the following command:

    >>> env PYTHONPATH=<build_dir>/lib64/python:$PYTHONPATH
            python <build_dir>/bin/ --inp=standalone.pcm --exe=<build_dir>/bin

This will save the data to the file. To analyze the gathered data we can use the pprof script:

>>> pprof --text <build_dir>/bin/run_pcm

This will print a table. Any row will look like the following:

2228   7.2%  24.8%    28872  93.4% pcm::utils::splineInterpolation

where the columns respectively report:

  1. Number of profiling samples in this function.
  2. Percentage of profiling samples in this function.
  3. Percentage of profiling samples in the functions printed so far.
  4. Number of profiling samples in this function and its callees.
  5. Percentage of profiling samples in this function and its callees.
  6. Function name.

For more details look here

  1. Heap profiling can be done with the following command:

    >>> env HEAPPROFILE=run_pcm.hprof PYTHONPATH=<build_dir>/lib64/python:$PYTHONPATH
            python <build_dir>/bin/ --inp=standalone.pcm --exe=<build_dir>/bin
This will output a series of datafiles run_pcm.hprof.0000.heap, run_pcm.hprof.0001.heap and so forth. You will have to kill execution when enough samples have been collected. Analysis of the heap profiling data can be done using pprof. Read more here

Using Intel VTune

This is probably the easiest way to profile the code. VTune is Intel software, it might be possible to get a personal, free license. The instructions will hold on any machine where VTune is installed and you can look for more details on the online documentation You can, in principle, use the GUI. I haven’t managed to do that though.

On stallo, start an interactive job and load the following modules:

>>> module load intel/2018a

>>> module load CMake

>>> module load VTune

>>> export BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=/home/roberto/Software/boost/include

>>> export BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=/home/roberto/Software/boost/lib

You will need to compile with optimizations activated, i.e. release mode. It is better to first parse the input file and then call run_pcm:

>>> cd <build_dir>/tests/benchmark

>>> env PYTHONPATH=../../lib64/python:$PYTHONPATH
    python ../../bin/ --inp=standalone_bubble.pcm

To start collecting hotspots:

>>> amplxe-cl -collect hotspots ../../bin/run_pcm @standalone_bubble.pcm

VTune will generate a folder r000hs with the collected results. A report for the hotspots can be generated with:

>>> amplxe-cl -report hotspots -r r000hs > report